Wodonga Little Athletics

Wodonga Little Athletics

 Fitness, health and wellbeing

Wodonga Little Athletics Centre offers a friendly environment for children of all abilities and who are aged 4 to 15 years old. Children participate in athletic events each week throughout summer.

The centre places an emphasis on participation, skill development and personal best development. Wodonga Little Athletics Centre 26 originated in 1968 and is located opposite Hungry Jacks and White Box Rise, at the roundabout on the end of Pearce St. There is onsite parking.

Wodonga Council acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Peoples of the Country. We also acknowledge them as Traditional Owners and Custodians across various lands. We pay our respect to their Ancestors, Elders, children and young people. We acknowledge the strength and resilience of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and recognise their continuous connections to lands, waters and communities across the country.